Ahhhhh!!!Yup. So this is currently the situation at work: Robert is discovering the emotion of anger at the ripe old age of 2. It seems there is something on his mind and he doesn't know how to tell me and so he gets very frustrated/angry. This results in throwing, hitting, kicking, yelling and crying which ultimately leads to a time out, or some solitary confinement with the help of two babygates stacked at his bedroom door. (Oh yes, he's discovered how to break out when I use just one.) I guess I'm blogging this because I need to air the dirty laundry. It's been very challenging for me and I'm exhausted. I need to try and remember why it's worth going in..
TOP 10 Reasons I LOVE This Job:
10. I get to bake
9. The grocery bag I seal the dirty diapers in makes me chuckle (see picture)
8. Going to the park and seeing all the imaginative ways the kids play
7. Singing songs in the car with them
6. Their dog Harry is sooo sweet
5. They know how to scheme and its funny to watch them sneak around and try to break rules
4. Watching the kids grow (I've had the honour of being there for many of their 'firsts')
3. When they get hurt, they run to find me because my magical kisses make ALL of the pain go away instantly
2. The look of wonder on their faces when something great is happening
1. How they love everything and everyone without reserve
I really struggle because when I'm not at work because I don't usually look forward to going. However once I get there, there's no place I'd rather be. They're great kids and I enjoy them so much in a million ways, even though sometimes they're nut-jobs and I wish I was dead.
working with kids can be really hard work, but so rewarding. I feel your pain.there are bad days, there are good days. Sometimes the only thing that keeps me sane is the people i work with, so i really feel for you that you have no adult conversation during the day (im guessing), you do a good job pickle! Keep Smilin!
ahh the joys of child rearing. can't wait to be a mom eh?
ummmm... did i hear correctly that you are really seriously coming down here this summer??! i think i peed.
did you just call me hoebag?
you sloot.
You're going to SC? With SARAH? Leslie that is so rad!! Cos... I'm going to be there, too. Perhaps we can all be there at the same time?
Im going to South Carolina??!!
nooo I said to Liana I'd try and drag your 'english behinny' down to south carolina. So we'd go for a 3 or 4 day trip PROVIDED you want to go.
OH MY GOSH, I'm going to be there too!
why wouldnt i?!!! that would be freakin awesome!
I get to see you in jus over 3months...how cool is that!!
hahaha andrew, i wouldn't be suprised-- which is why I dont know if you're being serious or not. Please confirm.. ;)
Yes! Yes! mee too !!! I live in SOuth carolina! Leslie, yay, you don't know how happy you are making me right now!
This is all too exciting.
I see what your doing here Leslie..... 11 comments thats pretty impressive but 4 are your own.... cheater.
hahaha im not going for numbers.. You just like to take people down!!
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