06 July, 2006

Another list..

I'm thankful..

1. For my Abba

2. The opportunity to go to school and learn all kinds of wonderful things

3. For the sunshine and birds that wake me up bright n' early every morning

4. For my close friends who show me strength and peace

5. For music in every form

6. That I can do all things through Him who gives me strength

7. That I can express myself freely without persecution

8. My city streets are generally safe

9. That I'm surrounded by all kinds of family whom I love and am fairly close to

10. That I've been blessed with a car

11. That my mom is so supportive both in prayer and in other practical ways

12. That I'm in good health and sound mind-- I finally know where I am going and who I am turning out to be, and am comfortable with it all!

13. That I've never had a roommate who I didn't get along with. (Yes Liana, even Kortny Mento warmed up to me and we had some great times together)

14. For the forgiveness of sin

15. For the many mediums available to express myself

16. For my birkenstock sandals that are entirely too comfy

17. For my dog Shadow who is patient and well mannered

18. For my pastor who is a strong woman of God and will speak what she knows to be true-- not just what people want to hear.

19. That I can jump, dance, run, swim, etc.

20. That God is taking the time to grow me in both obedience and in spiritual gifts/fruit

21. That I am well provided for and lack nothing (materially or otherwise)

22. That I've been given every opportunity to succeed

23. For the gift of awareness-- that I can see people

24. For choices

25. For quietness and silence

26. For loud noises and electric guitars

27. For tea and hot chocolate

28. For the invention of the camera and the photograph

29. For thermal sleepingbags and fleece

30. That I've been handpicked for a purpose

1 comment:

Beth said...

this post makes me extremely happy. I'm glad that all is well and at peace within Leslie-land. when are you coming chérie?

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