15 November, 2006

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
and the son of man that you care for him?
[Psalm 8.3-4]

I feel as though I should balance out my writing a little bit and maybe post some fresh insight having come further out from under the daze I've been feeling...or at least to clarify and help put my last lengthy post into proper context. I wish to stress that even in the midst of frustration and what feels like attack, there's always hope and God will lift us out of it-- it's only temporary. While I've been through my share of highs and lows, I rarely feel attack like that-- I've only had that sort of experience once before (and quite a while ago) so I don't use the word attack loosely or often. I've touched on it before if I recall correctly, but we've got to be careful to not glorify or be over dramatic about spiritual warfare. When we experience negativity and go through trial it's not neccessarily Satan storming the gates like a scene from Lord of the Rings. He'd love us to give him that much credit but we shouldn't.

There's a season for everything, and I guess the last little while i've had to buckle down and dig in with prayer in a battling sense.. But I'm there to pray and to wait and to be obedient. The battle is the Lord's. I can sit here this morning in confidence that He's good and He's at work. I won't presume to know His agenda but I live in excitement as a witness.

Thank you Abba for involving us in your plans.

Photo by Leslie Fidler. :)

1 comment:

Andrew said...

That's good. I was worried about you.

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