12 March, 2009


Today is the day I have my interview with the coordinator of the photography program at Seneca. I have to take an english test, submit a letter of intent and present a portfolio of 10 pictures that best represent my work. I'm a bit nervous but I'm confident that I have a good eye and I am more than willing to grow and learn as much as I can. I'm pretty excited.


My interview went well! He said that I have a really good shot at getting accepted to their program. He thought my portfolio was strong and that he had a sense I was in this for real and I wanted to take it seriously-- which is what they're looking for. Among my photos, here are the ones he liked best:


Elleah said...

Hope it goes really well!

Anonymous said...

i totally love your photography. the one of the JO(e)'s are really cool.
Do you think you would be willing to take some pics of Mat and I - we've never had professional photos done before...not even at our wedding.

Erika Mills said...

bottom one is my fav - even though I have no idea what it is?!

You're talented girlie - you must be stoked.

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