21 April, 2009

Back to School

In the time between the last post and this one a lot has happened. Joe and I packed up all of our worldly belongings and transported them to the Puiras basement in Newmarket. We're living with Joe's family in order to save some money as we go back to school. Also, we've welcomed our new beagle into our home and we couldn't be happier! Charlie is very laid back, rarely barks and is a fast learner.

Charlie and I are starting school! Charlie is going to PetSmart obedience classes with us on Monday nights, and I found out that I have been accepted to Seneca's photography program!

So good news all around!


Elleah said...

That's fantastic!

Erika Mills said...

Ooo, very exciting times - and GREAT pics of your adorable pup!!

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