20 April, 2011

Walking a new path

I am BACK and excited to write again because I have things to write about now. Before now it would have been "still waiting for the baby to come.." but nowwwww.. BUT NOW..!! Liam has arrived and I am working my way up steep learning curve. I hope to keep the topics well-rounded and want to challenge myself to write about more than mommy-hood. I'm a mother now, but I am on a journey to discover who I am beyond that and how who I used to be squishes into this new mommy-shaped box I'm in.

It's a round box.. and it's large.. because that's the only kind of box I'd fit into right now.


beth@redandhoney said...

haha! your last line made me laugh. don't worry - it'll come. soon your body will be back to the "new normal"... although I bet you already look fabulous... any mama is beautiful for having birthed a human being successfully.

Trenton Christian Church said...

I'm so happy your writing again, and its so awesome to share this journey with you.

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