19 June, 2004

Hurrah for manual labour...

Woah.. I just had a KILLER work week.. I've never done so much manual labour in my LIFE.. okay so I cut the lawn with a PUSH MOWER (no, i'm not THAT lazy, it's just a HUGE lawn), stacked wood on three separate occasions, blew up the zode, painted the cabin-line washrooms, stained the Eagles Nest (new cabin) cleaned scummy, scummy, water off of the huge honking pool cover... AND best of all, Cadotte (my boss) gave me a lesson in wood carving with POWER TOOLS-- I carved out signs for the new cabins and elsewhere around camp.. What a legacy to leave. ;) Today we put up the tipi.. it was just seanna, jesse reid, ashley barfoot,cadotte and myself.. GAH! it was scary.. each pole is sooo heavy and they're like... 50 feet long. it was insane.. To sum it all up, Cadotte is strong-- ripped!!, and I'm pretty tired.. Oh, and I saw J-Bo at Taco-Bang today.. it was fun and he sat and ate with us, and at one point he laughed and a piece of pizza shot out of his mouth and onto the table. it was AWESOME. Have a wonderful summer everyonnneee! (Everyone except for Tiny and J-Bo.. I'll see you on sunday-- SUCKAS!)

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