23 September, 2004

Talking to the British Consulate is like talking to a brick wall-- ON DRUGS...

WHY? Why am I NOT leaving tomorrow as I am supposed to? BECAUSE THE UNITED KINGDOM SCREWED ME OVER!! They JUST changed legislation in the UK stating that I need a student visa to study if I'm staying for more than 6 months.. Up until recently, that was not a requirement so guess who doesnt have a student visa..?? ME!!! that's right folks.. so I'm not leaving tomorrow. School starts tomorrow, but will I be there? Nooooo I can't even get an appointment with the British Consulate in ottawa until NEXT TUESDAY!! After the appointment, if we can give them our sob story they can have it a couple days after that... but the average visa application takes 10-15 BUSINESS days to process, or if I'm studying at a private institution (which i am) then it will take an "un-determined amount of time" FRIG, CRAP and SHAT. I'm not impressed.. i'm out 200 bucks for having to cancel my plane ticket for tomorrow.. [or should I say, my mother is-- THANKS MOM! :)]SO if you pray, PLEASE DO.. And if you dont, then send the positive, vibes, karma, whatever, MY WAY. I'd appreciate it. CHEERS!

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