13 September, 2005

Random Bus Ramblings

Give me a few hours on the bus and random thoughts can fly onto the page. Despite the tone of this post, please believe that things are cool and that travelling has been good to me.

I don't want the readers digest version of this experience. I want the mountains and mountains of crumpled note paper in its raw and unedited form-- before common sense and reasoning has time to kick in and before bias can affect the innocence born of being caught in the moment. Winding, whirling, an anorexia of the spirit. Running, tripping and falling in fluent reoccuring motion. (Always getting on my feet again) It has taken me 2 seconds too long to realise 1. nothing changes except circumstance, 2. what goes up must come down and 3. nothing rhymes with 'purple'. If the road winds left I'll choose right because the more I lose, the more I'll find.

I sure hope heaven serves all day breakfast.

PS. I am never sleeping indoors again.


Anonymous said...
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Josh said...

well there's always 'light urple.' Nothing rhymes with orange to you know. Are you racist against orange? Why didn't you mention Mr. Orange?

Benjamin said...

does cripple ryme, ryhm, rhym,... oh, i'll just copy josh's post,
does cripple rhyme with purple?
or maybe turtle
purple turtle

Janice said...

leslie come see me! the west coast is SO MUCH BETTER. okay that's a lie i don't know if it's better. i'm still excited every time i think about you guys coming. EEEEEEEEE!!!! get here sooner.

James said...

Stop having fun and please come home. The fire is burning low and Mother isn't well again. There is nothing to eat but small beans and that patotoe Geoff found last spring. Please make all haste,

(P.S. say hi to your companions and bring me back something cool. Jared got me a peice of a cathedral in Europe... top THAT! ... I dare you ... Double dog dare ... )
(P.P.S. I hope you are well and you're having fun, etc.)

Andrew said...

Busses make me feel really contemplative as well. Thank goodness the same doesn't happen in my car or I'd be wrapped around a telephone pole somewhere.

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