08 November, 2005


I had a lovely conversation with a dear friend who I miss very much..


Riss says:
I think of you when I pee in the shower
Leslie says:
hhahahaha that's the best thing anybody has ever said to me
Riss says:
every time
Riss says:
I think about how grossed out people were and it just feels sooooo good
Leslie says:
Riss says:
and when I dont shower...I think about you
Riss says:
I have an environmental science class....I think about you
Riss says:
my teacher says..."is there seriously any greenies in here" and I think "in my heart where leslie lives"
Leslie says:
Do you think about me when you eat icecream in your backyard?
Riss says:
no...because we didnt ever do that together
Leslie says:
Riss says:
when I make fun of Canada....
Riss says:
I think of you
Riss says:
and your little accent and the way you walk
Leslie says:
oh dear.
Leslie says:
I think of you when I think of PETA
Leslie says:
or when i eat pitas...
Riss says:
Riss says:
Leslie says:
Or basically when I see anything greek..
Leslie says:
mostly cuz of the pita connection
Riss says:
I think of you when I eat whales
Leslie says:
Riss says:
Leslie says:
i think about you when I club puppies before breakfast.
Riss says:
and when I dont shave
Riss says:
Riss says:
I think of you when I throw trash on a new born kitten and step on it
Leslie says:
awww.... uhmm...


° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Whatever shall we do with you two?
You are so silly, that I shall have to perform a silly dance in order to calm myself down completely.

Beth said...

yeah, I'm pretty sure I gave you the paint on your face in that pic. mmhhmmm,,that's right. paint fight. I got your letter today dearest, thank you!!

kaylie said...

i remember the pee in the shower conversation and the complelely grossed out pretty spring school kids and Liana!

Leslie Puiras said...

hahahaha Liana's done it more than once since she's been home.. Yup, I corrupted her.

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