This is a special love-note to everyone from school last year..
It's such a period of transition right now, it is for most of us.. BUT I've noticed the sense of community that we've still got now that Capernwray is over.. I realised how much I still feel loved and supported by my brothers and sisters in Christ even though we're spread out to the four corners of the world. It's freaking awesome!! I really realized it as I read the post by Pammy's dad on Janice's blog a few days ago.. He is right!
You can even see it within our intricate network of blogs. I've been to some of my other friends' blogs, (all very good btw) and they're having a lot of fun and post a lot of silly comments, but it's a completely different tone to the comments we post for each other.. Comments of real concern or comments of thanks, prayer etc.. more often than not followed up by emails or handwritten letters.. phonecalls, etc. There's a warmth, genuine concern and family.. -- being brothers and sisters in Christ... it's a connection that goes WAY beyond the blog.. I've only decided to write this because the whole atmosphere is something I've had emails about.. people are realizing more and more that we are a huge family and probably wont be able to get rid of each other.
I am so blessed to have all of you guys praying for me, and to get little suprise notes and gifts in the mail, and randomly popping onto msn to say you're thinking of me.. the phonecalls... and going to BC and feeling like I was coming home just being in the company of a few of you. The best part is that I'm not alone! This is the case for many of us!
I really felt like I was wandering for the last two weeks.. I usually have a pretty strong sense of what I should do and for the past few weeks it was like Jesus sort of wandered off. It wasn't Him who wandered though, and I discovered it wasn't me either. He was working hard for the whole two weeks behind the scenes.. and I was waiting patiently to hear from Him. Even though I wasn't excited and joyful about the fact that I felt far from him, I think He's still happy that even though I was frustrated and angry, I never doubted that He was there. Rob Whittaker said something that I'll always remember. God is more interested in our honesty than how polite we are. I think He's glad when I am frustrated and I tell Him. He's glad because I'm honest. We can't talk to each other honestly if I'm not honest.. And since He can't be anything BUT honest, He'll step back and stop communicating until I'm ready to just give 'er and stop being polite and religious. I remember driving home from something a few days ago. Nobody was in the car with me and I started yelling at Him in frustration and asking Him questions.. Some of them He answered directly, and the rest He answered through you guys.. Thank you so much.
For those of you who read 'The Heavenly Man'.. It's like at the beginning when Brother Yun had to wait 4 months for his Bible.. and it wasn't because God wasn't faithful, it's because God was going to answer the prayer through other believers, and they didn't respond to God's call until four months later. Thanks so much guys for continuing to respond to His call-- answering my prayers and being a big help. :) Thanks for the advice you've given me and for the prayer support.. I'm also happy to be getting so many requests for prayer from you. It's a pretty sweet two-way street we're driving.. We're all in this together and I'm so happy that we're acknowledging it!!
Like I need to even remind you.. but regardless, if you ever need me or want to chat I'm here! Just an email, penstroke or phonecall away! You have my number!
I came to a similar conclusion today as I reailze that I don't want most people to read my blog it's just a part of my capernwray life. I was thinking of getting a myspace because all my other friends have one, then I went and read their. It's like the drinking olypmics with a side cometition of slutty stupiness on the side. I love them but it's not the same and I have nothing to comment on day to day events.
Thanks leslie I will have to come take a look at yours more often.
Darn. I was hoping I'd be able to get rid of you.
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