07 September, 2011


So, from time to time (every few days) I take a gander at a few of the blogs that my friends keep. Not five minutes ago I logged onto WildOatsandSugar to exclaim "come ON MamaOat.. get moving and give me something else to read!" Immediately afterwards I paid my own blog a visit to discover that I'm a filthy hypocrite and that I haven't posted in over a month myself. That said, here I am and I'd like to discuss "autumnizing", which is the act of preparing ones home for the cold months while the weather is still warm enough to spend long periods of time outside.

My "autumnizing checklist":
  • Sorting through the summer clothes and packing them away
  • Cleaning our windows, inside and out
  • Purging-- finally dropping that growing pile off at the donation store and then starting the second lap around the house to pack away any unnecessary visual noise (will be blogging about visual noise in a few days.)
  • Cleaning our oven and kitchen cupboards.. getting rid of any unnecessary kitchen clutter
  • Organizing our front all closet
  • Tilling and mixing compost into the soil for next year's veggie garden
  • Cutting back our perennials
That's the start.. What do you do?

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