13 September, 2005

September 12: Truro, Nova Scotia

A good time at the bar in Sydney, Cape Breton.. Jason became pretty sick so we checked into a motel so he'd have a chance to get better. Sarah and I enjoyed a beer together in the motel bar dressed in our pajamas... The next day we all went to church together and took in a service at St. Giles ... Anglican? i dont remember. It was nice. At 5.15pm we went on the bus to Truro where we met a man named Tom. Tom let us stay in our tent in his yard, having us in for a cup of tea. It's hard to tell if his stories are real and to what degree...

Tom is:
- A musician who plays everything
- a national sports hero
- a song writer for Reba MacIntyre and Shania Twain
- an artist, nurse and poet
- an army cadette/world traveller
- has personally met Prince Charles and Princess Di
- nurses wild cats back to health

We woke up in a rainsoaked tent. I felt pretty good but it unravelled pretty quickly. I can get my head into a place where I'm just indifferent and blah. I'm not really having an amazing time, although i'm really happy to be travelling.


Josh said...

I think all of Tom's stories are true. I mean why wouldn't they be? Some things are true and don't sound like it - a little green and purple friend Leonardo.

Leslie Puiras said...

Josh, Josh, Josh.. I can't wait to see you again and give you the what-for!

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