07 November, 2005

"I have a dream..."

Well, had.. but not just any dream. Have you heard of or experienced those dreams that are so rediculous that you wake up laughing? That happened to me. It was crazy! It happened a few days ago and I didn't get around to writing it down, so the details are a bit foggy, but I'll try to retell it in all of its glory.. AHEM

So I'm travelling across Canada, and I am in some unknown location. All I know is that I'm in a big building -- a maze of huge hallways, rooms (some dorm, and some lounge rooms like a school) and all the hallways open up to a terminal a lot like that of the Toronto Airport.. This leads me to believe that I am somewhere in southern Ontario. I'm trying to make my way home to Owen Sound and for some reason I'm flying out of an international airport to do this... I'm running around the airport, checking in bags and getting flustered when i get to security and notice that I don't know where my passport. This is okay, because Jamie Lisle goes to this school.. (The one that is half school but seems to also be an airport).. I make my way through the hallways, and down some stairs into the bowels of the building where I'm sure that I'll find Jamie's dorm room.. I open the door to the room, and it looks like a bomb went off -- not literally, but .. well, it was just a really messy room. I look passed the over-turned chairs, garbage bags and pizza boxes to a couch where I find none other than Zak Erb sprawled out on. He informs me that he's been squatting in Jamie's living room for several months now, and for some reason Jamie is really angry and on a rampage.. In other words, we need to leave NOW! (Given the situation, I don't know why he was just laying there before I came) We run through a maze of hallways and I spot Jamie running down the hall at full speed.. Now, Jamie running at you is pretty scarey as is because he's a big guy.. BUT it gets worse.. Zak and I crawl into the ceiling with the wires and lighting and insulation, TRYING to get away... As we finally heave ourselves up above the ceiling tiles Jamie appears right behind us with a machete! We scramble through a jungle of wires and drop down to the hallway again in time to dart up some stairs... I lose Zak along the way by mistake, but I make it to the terminal. As I'm running toward the gate my plane is boarding at, I realise that I still don't have my passport. I quickly pray to God to give me a passport and POOF-- one appears in my hands! (This is where it hits me how funny this dream is...) I open up the passport only to discover, IT'S KAYLA TATEYAMA'S PASSPORT!! God gave me Kayla Tateyama's passport!! As I stare, puzzled at what I hold in my hands, a small voice whispers to me that it's okay and the security guards will never notice.. That's when I flash my ticket and passport then safely step onto my plane. THE END.



James said...

Zak Erb in my living room? Wouldn't you be more likely to find hime out back undera tarp heating his small blue home with a barbeque?

SClerk said...

Thats a pretty weird dream if not slightly cool all at the same time!! You crack me up Fidler!!

Béthany said...

leslie, ive listened to your dreams many a night and i ALWAYS end up laughing.

Beth said...

I bet you talked during that dream. Did you eat cheese before going to bed that night, or take any illcit narcoltics?

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