02 November, 2005

Pet Peeve #27

People's wreckless use of the word 'organic'.

It seems to be a new buzz word. "And we locked eyes, and what happened between us seemed so organic". Give me a break! Jump on the band wagon a little more! Sure, I'm all for organic farming, organic diseases, I'm aware of the multiple contexts in which the word can be used.. But it wasn't until NBC, TLC, ABC etc etc jumped on the 'natural, zen lifestyle' boat, I've noticed an over-use of the word.

After returning home from travelling, and shipping Sarah off to the airport, I had some time on my hands. I took about two days to veg out before jumping into all the work I needed to do around here. I had the opportunity to experience some daytime TV.. More often than not, the over-use of the word happened during segments on shows like City TV's morning talkshow. Some university art student, or mod-kid sits on the studio set assembled by Ikea and plugs the revolution they're trying to begin, dropping the o-bomb left, right and centre. It made me giggle and then want to punch them.

Just like Flintstones chewable vitamines, too much of a good thing can be counter-productive.

Please understand I have no beef with organics, and no beef with art-student revolutions.. But come on people, use the word when appropriate.. Don't go overkill-- even though pop-culture often does, it's not trendy!!


SClerk said...

You've never been to ikea...how would you know!?
Love you my little cauliflower x

Leslie Puiras said...

a) the point of my rant had little to do with Ikea..

b) several of my family members own furniture from Ikea and own the catalogues.. I've been known to look through them.

Andrew said...

Hahaha. What you're really saying is you're too smart to be sitting around watching daytime TV. Get a job!

Leslie Puiras said...

You're just jealous because you come from the fast-paced business world where you can't take 2 days off, and if you do it means you're irresponsible. :P

Leslie Puiras said...

Everyone's jumping me! Is it because you're a mod-kid.. or you like ikea? I know! It's because you use the word organic a lot and I'e made you angry! come on guys... it's an awful secret, but I can learn to love you again.

Josh said...

Here here. Stupid flinstone vitamins

Beth said...

Leslie, you don't have beef at all :). Ikea is amazing--they refuse to use slave labor and yet their prices are like dirt.

Leslie Puiras said...

Ikea is hilarious.. Don't even get me started on the Swiss.. PLUS it's both stylish and affordable. 10 points!

Andrew said...


James said...

you have no beef with organic beef, I hope. Despite the fact that you might not eat it.

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