I am so thankful that I know you and that you’ve shown yourself to me. Thank you for second chances (and third and fourth…). Thank you for your mercy, for your attention to detail, for the peace that covers me like a blanket when I need it most. Thank you for shaking things up so I wouldn’t become comfortable with where I am. Thank you for pure hearts, wonderful friends and indoor plumbing. Thank you for confiding in us and choosing to involve us in any of this even though you’d probably more effective without our help. Thank you for your consistency!! Thank you for strange noises, laughter, moustaches, hot beverages and creative expression; for my safety, for your Word which is easily accessible, for the quiet time that you want to spend with us and that I can meet you without fear of persecution. Thank you for providing a sacrifice in my place. I pray that I would know fully what it means.
I’m sorry for the times that I underestimated your power and ability. I’m sorry for thinking that I know what’s best and for trying to do your job for you. I’m sorry for disconnecting emotionally in the process of repentance. When I separate myself from you with sin it hurts you! When I repent, though I genuinely desire to turn from my sin, I pray I wouldn’t skip the part where I feel your sorrow. I pray that you would hold me to a higher standard and that I would have the fear and love for you that keeps me striving.
Please keep my brothers and sisters safe as they travel and be with them in every part of their weekend as they enjoy their families and their yummy, yummy turkey.
Happy Turkmas everybody!!
Knock Knock
...this is where you say 'who's there?' (possibly looking about)
and I say...
ME (and I always will be for you)
Turkmas sounds like a scary muslim holiday, or a character in the chronicles of narnia.
you're a scary muslim holiday.
Ok leslie, the new Weird al CD is out. There are a few songs on there you need to ckeck out. I laughed so hard, I cried. They also reminded me of you. (There's also a Canadian song).
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