18 March, 2009

Amazing Wonders of the Deep

Joe and I have a blue betta named Simon. He lives in a 10 gallon tank in our bedroom and swims about happily day in and day out. On a recent trip to the pet store for some cat food we were inspired to find some new tank-mates for our pal Simon. We learned that tetras were fine with beta fish and we also learned that these little creatures called ghost shrimps were fine too! 10$ later we have two ghost shrimp (who we affectionately named Shrimp Tempura and Shrimp Maki) and three neon tetras (names to come). We've introduced everyone and all seems peacful, much to my excitement. They're so beautiful to watch. We're looking forward to adding a few more tetras to the mix.

1 comment:

beth @ www.redandhoney.com said...

Hey Leslie, I've tried to comment on here before but my computer is giving me heck. Nice blog! I hope you're doing well. I made meatloaf the other night, and thought of you :)

I linked you on my blog, hope that's ok. www.bethricci.wordpress.com

See ya!

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