25 June, 2011

Let there be Light

It's overcast (again). Joe's out makin' money for our family (again). What's different? I'm having a balanced day I think... And I sat down with the Word and jumped in (though I'm ashamed to admit it, for the first time in over a week). Ephesians was calling my name through a crowd of friends and family who reject my dear friend, Jesus. Through a sea of blanket statements and assumptions I was able to hear Him when I sat down in my quiet living room. Babe asleep in his crib, husband at work; it was me, the beagle and my Bible on the couch. I began to read.

I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called - his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance. Ephesians 1:18

Then He said to me: I've called them too.

So I've made this my prayer and am committing this verse to memory. Instead of feeling hopelessness when someone makes an ignorant statement or assumes, I am going to pray for light. I'll pray that they'll realize they've been given confident hope and that they've been called too.

1 comment:

MamaOat said...

that's a beautiful thought les!

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